Proudly Serving Los Angeles and all of California
Weight loss & Health optimization for 30's, 40's, 50's & Beyond
With a personalized holistic weight loss diet program customized for your lifestyle and individual body chemistry which clientele describe as transformational and life changing!.
Vicki Witt
Online Nutritionist | Reiki Master | Holistic Weight Loss Coach

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Book a Free 30-Minute Nutrition Assessment
and let's explore your weight loss goals
Here’s how the free, no-obligation assessment process works:
Establish Your Nutritional Baseline
When you book your Free Nutrition Assessment, you’ll complete an online health form that will enable me to review your responses and establish what your nutritional baseline is right now.
Examine How Your Body Responds
Over a free 30-minute video appointment, we’ll examine how your body responds, why you lack energy and can’t lose weight, and how you can harness your hormones to optimise your health.
Explore a Holistic Eating Plan Tailored For You
I’ll explain my unique nutritional approach and how a customized holistic weight loss plan will help you increase energy, lose weight, balance your hormones, and renew your zest for life!
Just ask a few of Vicki’s clients - she has over 1000 client success stories!
My sleep has become better, as well as my overall health.
Toni D.
San Francisco, CA
We have a new lifestyle change that will be permanent and feel so much better!
Michelle D.
Los Angeles, CA
I have lost 50 lbs on her program and I really couldn't have done it without her.
Ally C., ID
I’ve lost fat, gained muscle, feel alert and clear headed the whole day!
Sam R., CA
My results have been terrific, losing over 11 pounds in my first month and dropping my body fat by over 4%.
Todd F., WA

“Vicki makes it easy to be healthy. She's sorted through all of the overwhelming conflicting information and boiled it all down to what's healthy. I've lost 20 pounds so far, have more energy than I have in years and I'm never hungry! She's a great positive coach who lets you know that you can do it! Highly recommend.”
Jaime M., California
Why Choose Vicki?
As your metabolic weight loss coach, Vicki Witt helps people just like you with a holistic weight loss approach. She knows from over 25 years of experience and over 1000 success stories that her clients want more than a diet program.
Their desires go way beyond just losing weight. They want to get to the root of their symptoms and get back their zest for life. They want improved and restful sleep. They want to wake up and have consistent energy throughout the day.
Vicki's clients feel good -
mind, body, and spirit!
With her customized holistic and hormonal weight loss programs, Vicki can help you too with an easy-to-follow eating plan that's hand-crafted with your unique body chemistry in mind.

* Benefits you'll experience within just a few days of working with Vicki! *
Increased Energy
Low energy can happen for two reasons: Stress and unbalanced blood sugar levels! Vicki will address all these and more to ensure your energy is good ALL DAY EVERY DAY!
"The result was fantastic! Not only did I lose the extra weight I had put on, but my body became more toned and my energy levels went through the roof, as well as my confidence. Vicki was there step by step with an easy-to-follow plan and the motivation I needed to keep going. I have continued to use Vicki's approach to a healthier life and it has become second nature to me now!"
-Andrea D., Arizona
More Restful Sleep
Poor sleep happens for a number of reasons including stress, a high sugar and caffeine diet, and our overall lifestyle and habits. A few small tweaks are needed and you will be sleeping like a baby again!
"I have lost weight and inches, but what I really feel great about is how much better overall I feel. I'm sleeping better; I'm waking up more rested-- I don't have the aches and pains I was having. I can't say enough good things about Vicki! If you're hesitating-- don't! SO WORTH IT!!"
-Shena C., California
Eliminate Cravings
Cravings for sugar, caffeine, alcohol, and chocolate usually sabotage weight loss efforts. Vicki's plans will eliminate cravings in the first week of the program making loss and maintenance a lasting reality.
"Mentally, I feel more positive, happier, and better. I experience fewer cravings and find that I have more energy throughout the day. No more lethargy after meals. Vicki is also really good at troubleshooting the foods that don't work specifically with my body and figuring out healthy alternatives to the foods that I crave."
-Kameswari D., California
Consistent Fat Loss
You can expect to see 1-2 lbs of fat loss per week. It is important to maintain muscle on a weight loss plan so your metabolism stays high. Vicki's eating plans allow you to maximize your fat loss and metabolic rate.
"I've been working with Vicki for about 6 weeks and am very pleased with my progress so far. I've been losing consistently every week. I feel better than I have for quite a while. Vicki has been great about answering any question I have. Highly recommend!"
Judy M., Nevada
By balancing your hormones and your brain chemistry you will optimize your body for full total body wellness and health as well as lasting fat loss. Conquer your moods, cycles, sleep, relieve stresses and water retention, nourish and nurture your organs and stimulate your metabolism!
"I have been working with Vicki to help me lose weight, control IBS symptoms, balance hormones, and for overall good health. After only 6 weeks (2 of which I was on vacation) I have lost 10 pounds and over 9". I feel so much better! I am not hungry, I have more energy, I am happier with myself and everything around me."
Paige L., Idaho
Stress Management
Managing stress is all about taking control of your thoughts, emotions, schedule, and the way you react and deal with problems. Emotional and stress eating is a very common way to cope. Through practical techniques, Vicki will help you to obtain your ideal weight and stay there.
"Not only do I feel fantastic as I'm losing weight, but I have steady energy all day; I'm sleeping well; my mood is upbeat in spite of tremendous stress; and I've learned many things about how I function."
Amy M., Arkansas
Improved Medical Conditions
You can see improvements and corrections in medical conditions due to the blood sugar-stabilizing effect of Vicki's hormonal weight loss approach as well as an anti-inflammatory and alkalizing effect. Inflammation can cause dysfunction of fat cells influencing the way fat cells produce hormones involved in weight gain.
"I had been struggling to eat, was in pain, and was absolutely exhausted for 2 months. I had seen doctors and done every test out there. . . . I decided to try working with Vicki to see if there was another option other than surgery for me. Within a week I was feeling so much better. My energy was coming back. I was eating. I was no longer exhausted after I ate. And my pain decreased significantly."
Lisa M., Florida
Customized Plan and Support
Vicki's goal is to create an easy holistic plan that works with you, your body chemistry, your schedule, and your lifestyle. She works with you to make permanent and lasting habits. No two plans are the same. Vicki will provide you with the ongoing support, knowledge, tools, and blueprint to burn fat AND build muscle.
"She took the time, not only to develop a personalized program for me, but she also educated me so I understood how and certain foods were good or not good for my body. Her plan was comprehensive and encompassed not only food but also sleep, stress, and hormonal balancing!"
Ange B., Hawaii

Vicki’s Holistic & Hormonal
Weight Loss Programs Los Angeles
Find out more about Vicki's signature weight loss programs below.
Or, book a call to explore what type of support is right for you!
Vicki's weight loss programs Lose Angeles have been designed with you in mind.
There are 4 options to choose from.
I wish I had found Vicki years ago!!
Amanda N, CA
Vicki is incredible to work with. I am so grateful I found her! i Wish I had found her years ago. I feel great and have seen huge results that I couldn't achieve on my own, and it has only been a month. What I like most about working with Vicki is she is so knowledgeable about the body, nutrition, and health, and she always explains the why.
Vicki helped cure my bad eating habits!
Adrienne F., CA
I loved working with Vicki, she's amazing and has a wealth of nutritional knowledge. She is helps you to understand your motivations for how you eat and develop actionable plans toward a more healthy way of living. I love her holistic approach to nutrition.
Losing consistently every week
Judy M, NV
I've been working with Vicki for about 6 weeks and am very pleased with my progress so far. I've been losing consistently every week. I feel better than I have for quite a while. Vicki has been great about answering any question I have. Highly recommended!
I Dropped 4% body fat in 1 month!
Todd F, WA
My experience with Vicki has made such a positive impact on my life. This is not a diet. This is learning how to really eat right. It can set you up for life if you are motivated to change. I was nervous about the program, but it is not difficult. You have to unlearn bad habits. Vicki is with you every step of the way. Her program goes beyond foods. She has tools to help you with stress relief, too. I would recommend hiring her to help you. My results have been terrific, losing over 11 pounds in my first month and dropping my body fat by over 4%.
Losing weight with no exercise - just diet!
Richa G, MI
I was introduced to Vicki through one of my friends. I was reluctant to call Vicki but now I am really happy about my decision to call her as I am getting full guidance from Vicki and working towards my goal. Lost 9lbs in a month just with diet. No time to go to gym. Vicki is very punctual and provides quick response each and every time. I really like the way she handles my situation and would definitely recommend her if you are looking to shed some pounds in a healthy and realistic way!!
Vicki motivates me to eat healthy!
Sam R , CA
Initially I thought ‘do I need someone to tell me how to eat healthy?’ The answer was an absolute Yes. After seeing Vicki for the last 4 week I can say I have never felt better. I’ve lost fat, gained muscle, feel alert and clear headed the whole day and wake in the mornings feeling energised and ready to go. Vicki’s programme, her professionalism and her knowledge has been incredible. I went to Vicki thinking I needed to lose a few kilos but I achieved so much more. The biggest gift you can give yourself is your health, let Vicki help you achieve this, I’m so glad I did.
Permanent Lifestyle change
Michelle D , CA
Nutritionist Los Angeles
Everything! We have really benefited from Vicki's knowledge. We have a new lifestyle change that will be permanent and feel so much better! That is even greater than the weight and inches loss we have experienced, which has been significant.
Confident moving forward
Maggie D, GA
Wonderful experience all around! Vicki has really given me the tools to feel confident towards achieving my goals. Very responsive and helpful. Would recommend her to anyone!
Physician success story
Ozita C , GA
I am a physician who need someone to walk with me to better Health my life has changed so much I enjoy my diet and it is working for me . I’m feel empowered to make great decisions in regards to my nutrition. Vickie’s personal touch and program is amazing ... I want to continue my work with her over the years ... I want the 10 year plan. When I see a good thing I want to hang on to it ...better Health 😎

The weight loss testimonials presented apply only to the individuals depicted. Results may vary depending on, but not limited to, the individual's medical condition, biochemistry, active participation in the program, lifestyle, or if taking hormones or pharmaceutical medication. Every testimonial on this website is from a real customer of Vicki Witt who used the program, and/or nutrition advice referred to on the website. No one was paid for a testimonial or endorsement.
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