Proteins, Fats and Carbs - The solution!
Studies have shown that lower insulin levels and increasing the body's sensitivity to leptin can promote rapid fat loss, increase energy, enhance mental clarity, slow ageing, lower blood pressure, improve cholesterol and overall health, and generate a feeling of euphoric wellness.
Regulating Hormones
Insulin & Leptin - The Cause!
Insulin & Leptin resistance is directly associated with Heart Disease and cardiovascular risk factors including high blood pressure, cholesterol, and triglyceride's. The reason for this is due to the increased inflammatory markers as a result of insulin & Leptin resistance. Approximately 20% of Americans are either pre-Diabetic or Diabetic. Both these conditions are just different stages of the same conditions - Insulin & Leptin Resistance. Largely the result of diet and lifestyle, Type 2 Diabetes is now being called advanced, extreme or end stage insulin resistance. Scientists are also classifying the condition as premature ageing.
How Leptin Works
Leptin tells the body to stop eating and stop storing fat. So when the body is resistant to its signal (ie deaf to the messages) the body doesn't know to stop eating. The result - your body continually stores fat, stays hungry, craves more carbohydrates, stimulates blood fats (Triglycerides) and produces cellulite more than a healthy individual.
How Insulin Works
As insulin's main job is to store these carbohydrates in the cells as fat, overproduction of it causes weight and fat gain and obesity. Other factors that add to this condition are overeating, constant dieting and rebound weight gain, mineral deficiencies, consumption of processed and refined foods, alcohol, smoking and lack of physical exercise.
Negative Dieting Effects
Dieting will reduce Leptin's signal even further and cause a reduction in metabolic rate leading to rebound weight/fat gain and plateau's. Women are particularly at risk of Leptin resistance, being 3 times less responsive to it's signal than men. Largely the result of diet and lifestyle, Type 2 Diabetes is now being called advanced, extreme or end stage insulin resistance. Scientists are also classifying the condition as premature ageing.
Insulin and Leptin Resistance
Insulin and Leptin resistance are caused by the gradual loss of cell sensitivity to these hormones. Eating too many high sugar or starch foods will over stimulate insulin so an overproduction, and eventually resistance, occurs.
So, What's The Solution?
The solution begins with balancing proteins, carbohydrates and fats through clean, natural nutrition. This includes lean sources of protein, low glycemic and low carb load carbohydrates and good plant fats.
Over the years, fats have gained a bad wrap due to their effect on the heart and fat storage. But not all fats are created equal. It is absolutely essential to add in plant fats and avoid fried fats, trans fats and other packaged fats, and saturated fat from animals. Plant fats include avocado, nuts such as cashews, almonds and Brazil nuts, olive oil, coconut oil and products, and olives (to name a few). Good plant fats aid in stabilising the blood sugar levels and keep you feeling satisfied for longer.
Protein should always be the heart of each meal. However, the intricate balance between protein, carbs and fat must be carefully administered for each individual for maximum fat loss and health benefits. Protein is necessary for maintaining muscle, the immune system, enzymes and other body processes as well as telling your body to burn fat.
It is important to include carbohydrates in your diet but to be selective about the types of carbohydrates that work best for you and your body. As mentioned above, insulin resistance is exacerbated by a high starch and/or sugar diet. Therefore for weight and fat loss (and hormonal balancing), elimination of these foods is essential. Good quality, low glycemic carbohydrates are full of vitamins, minerals and phyto-nutrients and used extensively on Vicki's Nutrition and Weight Loss Eating Plans.