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Benefits of Vicki's Holistic weight loss plans

BENEFITS of Vicki's Nutrition & Weight Loss Eating Plans

Do you suffer from low energy, cravings, hunger, water retention? Have other diets failed you by being too strict, not manageable long term and with weight/fat returning with interest? 

Vicki will address dietary, hormonal, behavioural and exercise markers and issues to deliver the you, you want to be and give you back your self confidence. Vicki's patients report they can do the things they've always wanted to do with their new found energy, body and lease on life. Here are a few of the many benefits that Vicki's Nutrition & Weight Loss Eating Plans can deliver, starting in as little as 3 days!

more energy


In today's fast paced world, most people are fatigued. There are two main reasons for this - Unbalanced blood sugar levels from an inadequate or high carbohydrate/ sugar/ caffeine diet and stress from emotional, mental and physical stresses. Vicki will address all these and more to ensure your energy is good ALL DAY EVERY DAY! You will be amazed at how quickly we can correct these issues. 

eliminate cravings

Eliminate Cravings

You can have the best intentions and motivations when starting to lose weight but usually cravings for sugar, caffeine, alcohol and chocolate will sabotage your efforts. Vicki's Nutrition and Weight Loss Eating Plans will eliminate cravings in the first week of the program making weight and fat loss and maintenance a lasting reality.

fat loss

Fat Loss

You can expect to see 0.5-1Kg/1-2 lbs of fat and weight loss per week. It is important to maintain muscle on a weight loss plan and this is exactly what Vicki's Nutrition and Weight Loss Eating Plans will do. Therefore you avoid the normal plateau in weight due to a reduced metabolism. Vicki's eating plans allow you to maximise your fat loss and metabolic rate.

hormonal balance

Hormonal Balance

By balancing stress hormones, thyroid hormones, female and male hormones, mood hormones, blood sugar hormones and brain chemistry you will optimize your body for full total body wellness and health as well as lasting fat loss. Conquer your moods, cycles, sleep, relieve stresses and water retention, nourish and nurture your organs and stimulate your metabolism today!

medical conditions

Medical Conditions

You can see improvements and corrections in medical conditions due to the blood sugar stabilizing effect of Vicki's Nutrition and Weight Loss Eating Plans as well as anti-inflammatory and alkalising effect. Many studies have shown inflammatory markers play a role in many diseases including sleep apnea, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, cardiovascular concerns (blood pressure, cholesterol and various diseases), cancer and even ageing itself. Inflammation can cause dysfunction of fat cells and therefore influence the way fat cells produce hormones involved in weight gain

stress management

Stress management

Managing stress is all about taking control of your thoughts, emotions, schedule and the way you react and deal with problems. This can be easier said and done! The effects of not coping with stress end up on your waist line and hips. Emotional and stress eating is very common today and so much be addressed once and for all. Through practical techniques, Vicki will help you to obtain your ideal weight and stay there. 


Different techniques help for different people so Vicki will ensure the best approach for you. 

Book your FREE 30 minute Assessment consultation with Vicki today!

"With Vicki's program, advice, and encouragement, I am losing weight and inches as well as gaining muscle. I had been really stuck, unable to lose weight, so I am excited to be making progress with a program I can live with."  MARCI L *


nutrition assessment
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