Are your hormones making it hard to lose weight?
We all know that exercise and what we eat play a role in losing weight, however despite often popular beliefs that the balance between “Energy intake through diet Vs Energy output through activity and exercise” determines weight loss, it is often not that simple for many of us. Weight management often relies on a variety of hormonal systems to keep everything in balance, and without addressing underlying hormonal balances, reducing food intake and increasing exercise may not be enough alone to lose weight.
Involved in weight loss are a variety of hormones that stimulate metabolism, increase thermogenesis (fat burning), control appetite, balance blood sugar levels, balance reproductive hormones, manage stress and control inflammation and pH levels. Here are some of the hormones involved in weight management;
When we eat, carbohydrates are broken down into glucose (a simple sugar) which is “the body’s main source of energy” (1). Insulin is released from the pancreas when glucose is present in the bloodstream to enable glucose to be transported into the cells to be used for energy (1). When there is no insulin (ie Type 1 Diabetes) or cells do not recognise insulin (Type 2 diabetes), which is known as insulin resistance, cells are not able to receive enough energy for growth, repair or other essential functions (1). When insulin resistance occurs and the body can no longer get its energy from glucose, it begins to store “extra energy in fat cells”, which makes it difficult to lose weight (1). Insulin resistance can also cause high blood sugar levels, hypertension, increased hunger and sugar cravings, increased thirst, poor energy and mood disruptions.
Throughout the day levels of cortisol rise and fall, they rise in the morning when waking and should fall in the evening to allow us to initiate relaxation and sleep (2). Whilst cortisol has numerous functions within the body it has been labelled the ‘stress’ hormone as it is produced in higher quantities in times of stress to initiate the ‘fight or flight’ response (2). Unfortunately in today’s stressful environment cortisol levels are often chronically elevated on a daily basis, which does not allow the body’s relaxation responses to be activated as frequently as it should be (2). Prolonged periods of stress and elevated cortisol levels can make it difficult to lose weight by suppressing thyroid function, causing blood sugar imbalances, increasing inflammation throughout the body, increasing abdominal fat deposits and promoting fat storage (2).
In menopause the ovaries stop producing high amounts of estrogen. Seeing as fat cells also produce estrogen “the body works harder to convert calories into fat to increase estrogen levels” which can lead to weight gain (3). Increased levels of androgens, another reproductive hormone, can also lead to increased fat storage such as that seen in women with Poly-cystic Ovarian Syndrome (3). Declining levels of testosterone, which can be seen in men and woman, can also contribute to weight gain, as testosterone stimulates growth of lean muscle which burns more energy and increases the metabolism.
If you are having difficulty losing weight it is important to recognise what hormones may be contributing and address all the underlying issues. The Fat Blitz Weight Loss System will focus on hormonal balancing to achieve weight loss. Vicki will determine what hormones may require balancing to achieve your desired results for permanent weight loss and optimal health.
Warm wishes,

Vicki Witt | Clinical Nutritionist | Holistic Coach | Reiki Master | Certified LEAP allergy therapist
Over 25 years of successfully helping you achieve optimal health and weight loss | vickiwittweightloss.com
About Vicki:
Vicki Witt is a Clinical Nutritionist, Holistic Health Coach, and Reiki Master. She has been practicing over 25 years and specializes in holistically customizing diet and lifestyle plans to each individual for weight loss and hormonal control. Her clientele often report they feel the best they have ever felt and wish they had started sooner. One of the USA and Australia's top Nutritionists, she has won multiple awards for her services in the industry.
Certified and Registered Nutritionist